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Impact DC: Summer Teen Advocacy Program Scholarship


The Senator Laurence and Edith Weiss Jewish Activism Grant provides a full scholarship to Middlesex County students entering 10th grades to attend IMPACT:DC (formerly PANIM), an experience which educates, inspires, and empowers Jewish youth to a lifetime of activism, leadership, and service. 


Registration will open fall 2014 for summer 2015.


Please contact Michal at (732) 588-1816 with any questions.

Meet the Impact DC: 2014 Scholarship Winner

2014 Impact:DC Grant WinnerCongratulations to Palmer Stolly, the 2014 recipient of the Jewish Federation’s Senator Laurence and Edith Weiss Jewish Activism Grant, enabling Palmer to attend Impact: DC, an educational summer seminar which educates, inspires, and empowers Jewish youth to a lifetime of activism, leadership, and service.


Palmer will join teens from around the country, living and learning on the campus of University of Maryland’s Hillel.  For 10 days, they will tour historical sites, work with premier non-profit organizations, and meet with experts on a variety of issues.


Palmer, son of Risa Stolly, lives in Monroe Township. He is a rising sophomore at Monroe Township High School and recently graduated from Federation’s JTEAM Teen Philanthropy program. 


“I have had an interest in politics and the workings of our government, but do not feel very informed about how our political system works,” said Palmer.  “Being able to meet with a member of Congress or a Senator will give me an inside look into our government and what I can do to make a difference.”