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JCRC Mission Statement

The goals of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County, are formed by Jewish values as they relate to: building bridges to the larger community, speaking out against anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination, educating about and advocating for Israel, providing a venue for cross-cultural education and communication, remaining proactive about Jewish security and seeking opportunities for community involvement. The JCRC sub-committees include Government Relations, Israel Advocacy, and Holocaust Commemoration.

For more information on Federation's Jewish Community Relations Council, contact the Federation at (732) 588-1800 or .

Things to Know

Advocacy Tips

A healthy democracy needs its citizens to be engaged with their elected officials – not just at election time, but throughout the year. This is a simple guide that is designed to take the mystery out of advocacy.

Contacting the Media

The key to implementing your advocacy strategy is getting your information to the right people at the right places.

Connect with Israel

The people of Israel are our family. The land of Israel is our home. In good times and bad, we connect with Israel and it makes our lives as Jews more meaningful and secure. There are many ways to connect.