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What Your Gift Does

Provides one week of kosher Meals-On-Wheels for an elderly shut-in.


Jewish Middlesex

Together, We Do Extraordinary Things

Contributors to the 2014 Community Campaign

Thanks to our donors, we raised $2.1 million to help Jews at home and around the world. We can't do it without you. Please donate today.


Helping Jews in Middlesex, In Israel and Around the World

Jewish Middlesex delivers a huge impact. Learn more about what we do in our community and around the world…

Caring for the Vulnerable

The Jewish Federation identifies and funds social service, educational and humanitarian needs locally, in Israel and around the world.

Forge Strong Connections with Israel

We educate others about the close economic, cultural and strategic ties we share; establishing aid and relief programs in struggling communities; responding to crises; and empowering people to advocate for Israel.

Attract People to a Vibrant Community

Through the network of agencies, partners and programs we fund, the Federation helps alleviate
poverty, provides emergency relief, ensures a Jewish future, and supports the community

Inspire the Next Generation to Embrace Jewish Life

We promote Jewish learning for all ages, provide Jewish books and music to families through PJ Library, award scholarships for Jewish summer camps and teen travel to Israel