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Federation News

Learn about events and issues in Jewish Middlesex.

The Tzedakah Project

The Tzedakah Project, a community-wide project created to educate, inspire, and empower children to be involved in philanthropy, was an educational program for elementary school students attending Jewish day schools in Middlesex County. The decorated tzedakah boxes were displayed at the F…

Birthright No Limits In Motion: Birthright for Wheelchair Users

The No Limits: In Motion trip is a highly specialized program that we have been running for the past 4 years. It is basically the classic, Taglit-Birthright itinerary adapted for applicants with limited mobility. The trip is for applicants from the US and Canada, ages 18-26, with a Jewish …

Reflections on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had a chance to read Mitch Frumkin’s email announcing the name of the newly merged Federation – The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey. (If not, you can read the New Jersey Jewish News article (here.) We are working on many exciting plans for th…

Wonderful Opportunity for Holocaust Survivors and Family to see Weisenthal

My name is Catherine and my company, Leanne Schanzer Promotions, coordinates marketing for Broadway and Off Broadway theatre, including numerous Jewish-themed Broadway and Off Broadway productions over the years. 


We are working with the play Wiesenthal and I am reaching about a wonde…

Newly Merged Federation Announces New Name

… and starts year with new efforts to engage more Jews throughout region.


The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey is the new entity created by the merger of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County and Jewish Federation of Monmouth County. After more than two yea…