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  • Stories of Impact: Federation's roots in our community run deep. Learn more about what we do.

Maya: Lone Soldiers Protecting our Homeland


Since 1948, young men and women like Maya have made their way to Israel from the four corners of the globe to join the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). They are driven by a sense of purpose, a love of the country and an inner need to answer the call to protect the State of Israel.


Being a “Lone Soldier” means living in a new country, struggling with a new language and culture, and coming home thoroughly drained without a family to hug and welcome you back.


Yet these 2,500 lone soldiers are anything but “alone.” Jewish Federation-supported agencies provide care packages, a place for Shabbat, and adoptive families as well as individualized financial, employment and educational advice and social support.


“As difficult as it is at times, I don’t regret it at all,” insists Maya. “I have missed family births, weddings, bar mitzvahs but I have gained so much more. When I took my oath, standing in front of the Kotel and singing Hatikva, I had the biggest smile on my face. I don’t know how many people can say they have fulfilled their dreams. But I know that I’ve fulfilled at least one.”

Your Generosity Forges Strong Connections with Israel & Jews in 70 Countries


  • Social Welfare Programs, Services for the Elderly and Those with Special Needs
  • Academic Enrichment, Recreation, and Hot Meals for At-Risk Children
  • Life-Long Jewish Engagement and Education
  • Humanitarian Response to Natural Disasters and Man-Made Emergencies


Touching Lives.  Everywhere.  Every Day. 

“I don’t know how many people can say they fulfilled their dreams. But I know that I’ve fulfilled at least one.”