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Contacting the Media

Letters to the Editor

  1. Be Factual - The facts are our best weapon in the war of the printed word. Including a fact, statistic or quote strengthens the credibility of a letter and educates readers.
  2. Be timely - A letter should be written and mailed immediately after the publication of a problematic news story or editorial.
  3. Be Focused - Confine letter to a single issue; too many issues may detract from making one point very forcefully and convincingly.
  4. Be Concise - Delete unnecessary phrases or words. A short letter has a better chance of being published. Better you should edit it than an editor who might dilute or distort your main point.
  5. Be Rational - Keep message factual and discussion logical. Expressing hostility or bitterness will undermine your credibility.
  6. Be Original - Do not repeat all the charges in the story to which you are replying. Not everyone will have seen the original and you don’t want to give it extra mileage.
  7. Be Aware of Eye Appeal - Keep paragraphs short. Narrow newspaper columns make long paragraphs seem longer and uninviting.
  8. Be Interesting - Spark the reader’s interest with the opening sentence. Close it with a sentence that leaves the reader thinking.

Things to Remember When Writing to a Newspaper

  1. Keep it simple. Don’t give long convoluted historical explanations (even if they’re correct!)
  2. Be brief.
  3. Use images, analogies and involve emotions.
  4. Be authentic, “I was in Israel, and I …”
  5. Be authoritative, quote objective sources (but see #1!)
  6. Consider your audience. Try to couch your statement in line with their politics, style, etc.
  7. Support and reinforce pro-Israel statements.
  8. In an ongoing correspondence, remember that the readers will not have the original piece that you are replying to before them. Make sure your contribution makes sense as a “stand alone” piece.
  9. Don’t be insulting!

Things to Remember When Calling a Talk Radio Program

  1. Think out your contribution in advance.
  2. Keep it simple. Don’t give long convoluted historical explanations (even if they’re correct!) Stick to one basic message.
  3. Use images and analogies to involve emotions.
  4. Be authentic, “I was in Israel, and I …”
  5. Be authoritative, quote objective sources (but see #2!)
  6. Make the presenter your friend if possible. Try to couch your statement in line with their politics, style, etc.
  7. Be inventive. Don’t just call the shows that deal with Mid-East issues. Think of pro-Israel things to say for all kinds of shows.
  8. Support and reinforce pro-Israel statements.
  9. Try to predict possible objections. Have counter statements prepared.
  10. Stay on topic. “The real issue here is …”

    For more information, contact the Federation at or call 732-588-1800.