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Our Partners


Together with our extensive network of partners and your support, we help people in need and keep our Jewish community strong.  





Jewish Family Programming

Free Jewish programs at the JCC centered around the holidays: Purim carnival, Israel’s birthday, Chanukah menorah lighting, and an interfaith Yom HaShoah Commemoration that are open to all.

Learning Throughout Life for Seniors

The JCC provides weekly and monthly lectures for seniors.

Peace of Mind

Herzog Hospital unites combat units of discharged Israeli soldiers and brings them to the U.S. for group therapy and social interaction. AEMT, Ohr Torah and Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth (HPCT-CAE)  will run two Israel-centered events - a concert where the audience interacts with soldiers, and a Friday night social with young adults.

Federation Community Grants

JFGMC is piloting an “innovation fund” to invest in emerging initiatives that fulfill one of the core elements of “Attract People to a Vibrant Community” and support the entrepreneurial spirit of those who seek new ways of connecting to Jewish life.


The Context program, a collaboration with the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), is a text-based course open to adults interested in serious, academically informed Jewish learning. No prior knowledge is necessary.